clean red kool aidRed carpet stains have proved to be difficult and almost impossible to remove. They leave a mark not just on your carpet but also on your ego, stained by the fact that your efforts proved unsuccessful when pouring bleach onto the scarlet stain that will now forever hold a place in your home. You may try using store bought cleaners and bleaches to clean and restore your carpet, but tough red kool-aid stains are immune to many cleaners. So, what should you do? There is actually an array of household ingredients that you can use to successfully combat and clean tough red stains. The trick is working fast and efficiently. The moment you spill some wine on your rug, the moment your child splashes their entire kool aid juice onto your beige carpet- have these mixtures on hand and get ready to use them to successfully remove tough, red carpet stains. here are a few methods that have worked for us:

 club soda

stain remover club soda this works particularly well if you catch it early, but can be effective even on old kool-aid stain. Pouring Club Soda (preferably still carbonated and not flat) as soon as possible will work to bring the stain out of your carpet completely. pour a generous amount of club soda onto the stain, let it fizz, and blot it up again with a clean dry towel. repeat until the stain is gone.

hydrogen peroxide

removing carpet stain with hydrogen peroxide This is a bit riskier. Pour the peroxide over a small portion of the stain and wait 15 minutes and blot. Check and make sure it doesn’t lighten your carpet and if it does not, proceed to pour peroxide over the entire stain and wait another 15 min.

undiluted lemon juice

cleaning with lemons Like the hydrogen peroxide, you are going to want to test a spot on your carpet before completely dousing the stain in lemon juice. It may lighten your carpet. If not, pour over stain and let sit for 5-10 min. Take a sponge and blot clean. If the stain is stubborn and is still not completely removed, try mixing the lemon juice with detergent. Mix equal parts water and lemon juice with a splash of detergent in a spray bottle. Shake and spray.

ammonia and hot water

ammonia and hot water carpet stain cleaner mix a 1:1 ration of ammonia and hot water in a spray bottle. make enough to coat the stain at least once but preferably 2-3 times. take a white towel and place over the stain. go over the towel with an iron on its highest setting and watch the stain transfer! it may take 5 or 6 times over the stain for it to completely disappear. it even works on old stains, but try to work as soon as possible. Still take the time to test an area of your carpet to make sure you don’t melt or scorch your carpet.   need a home cleaning and refreshing? call us today!