Discover the potential of house cleaning supplies that are already within your reach, offering affordable cleaning solutions for your home. Many items serve their primary purpose and double as powerful, cost-effective, eco-friendly cleaning agents. 

In this blog, we’ll guide you through the innovative use of familiar products like vinegar, baking soda, lemon, and hydrogen peroxide to tackle various cleaning tasks. You’ll be amazed at what these everyday household items can do for your home’s cleanliness. 

Unveil the secrets to transforming ordinary household items into versatile tools for scrubbing, deodorizing, polishing, and sanitizing, all while keeping your cleaning routine affordable and environmentally friendly. You don’t have to break the bank or buy a bunch of specialty supplies at the store to keep your home clean. 

Dive into the world of affordable cleaning with house cleaning supplies you already own, and elevate your home maintenance with simplicity and sustainability at the forefront.

Vinegar as a multi-purpose cleaner

Vinegar as a multi-purpose cleaner

Vinegar, particularly white vinegar, is a highly versatile and effective cleaning agent you likely already have in your kitchen. Its acidic nature makes it an excellent tool for various cleaning tasks throughout the home, from cutting through grease to neutralizing odors and even acting as a mild disinfectant. Here’s a detailed look at how to use vinegar as a multi-purpose cleaner:

Surface cleaner and disinfectant

Mix equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle to create a simple yet effective surface cleaner. Use this solution on countertops, stovetops, and most hard surfaces to clean and disinfect. Let the solution sit for a few minutes before wiping clean for tougher grime.

Glass cleaner

Vinegar is exceptional for leaving glass surfaces streak-free. Mix one part vinegar with one part water, and use a soft cloth or newspaper to clean windows and mirrors. For extra shine, wipe dry with a clean, lint-free cloth.

Descaler for kitchen appliances

Vinegar dissolves mineral buildup from hard water, making it ideal for descaling kettles, coffee makers, and dishwashers. Fill the appliance with a mixture of half vinegar and half water, run a cycle or boil, then rinse thoroughly with water.

Fabric softener

Add half a cup of vinegar to your laundry during the rinse cycle as a natural fabric softener. It helps to break down laundry detergent effectively, making your clothes feel softer and reducing static cling without harsh chemicals.

Odor neutralizer

Vinegar is a natural deodorizer. To neutralize odors, place a bowl of white vinegar in the room with the unwanted smell or spray a vinegar-water solution in the air and on fabrics. It’s particularly effective for pet odors and smoke.

Cleaning the microwave

No one wants a dirty microwave, but you might not realize how easy it is to get yours clean. Mix 1/2 cup of vinegar and 1/2 cup of water in a microwave-safe bowl and microwave on high until the mixture boils and steams. Let it cool for a few minutes, then use a cloth to wipe away the loosened grime and food particles.

Removing soap scum and hard water stains

Apply undiluted vinegar to areas with hard water stains or soap scum, such as faucets, showerheads, and shower doors. Let it sit for a few minutes, then scrub with a non-abrasive sponge and rinse off.


While vinegar is safe for most surfaces, it’s acidic and can damage natural stone surfaces like granite or marble and unsealed grout. Always do a spot test in an inconspicuous area before applying it to a new surface.

Baking soda for scrubbing and deodorizing

Baking soda for scrubbing and deodorizing

Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is a powerful yet gentle abrasive cleaner and a natural deodorizer, making it an indispensable tool in household cleaning. 

Its fine granules effectively scrub tough stains and grime from various surfaces without causing damage, which is ideal for cleaning kitchen countertops, stainless steel sinks, and even bathroom tiles. 

Baked-on food

The mild abrasive action of baking soda makes it perfect for removing baked-on food from pots and pans, scouring ovens, and brightening dull, stained surfaces. 

Neutralizing odors

Beyond its scrubbing capabilities, baking soda is also renowned for neutralizing odors rather than merely masking them. This property makes it incredibly useful in absorbing unpleasant smells in refrigerators, trash cans, and litter boxes. 

Carpets and upholstery

Also, sprinkling baking soda on carpets and upholstery, letting it sit, and vacuuming it up freshens up these fabrics and eliminate lingering odors. 

Its natural, non-toxic nature ensures that it’s safe to use around children and pets, providing a healthy, chemical-free way to maintain cleanliness and freshness in the home. Whether used on its own or mixed into a paste with water, baking soda is a versatile, eco-friendly cleaning agent that easily tackles dirt and odors.

Lemon as a natural disinfectant

Lemon, with its high citric acid content, serves as a natural disinfectant and cleaning agent, making it a favored choice for eco-friendly and non-toxic home cleaning solutions. The acidity of lemon juice effectively breaks down dirt, grime, and bacteria on various surfaces, providing a natural means to disinfect and sanitize areas around the home.

Antibacterial properties

The natural antibacterial properties of lemon make it an excellent option for sanitizing kitchen surfaces, cutting boards, and utensils. Applying lemon juice directly to these areas or rubbing them with a sliced lemon helps eliminate harmful germs and bacteria, ensuring a safer cooking environment.

Grease and stain remover

Lemons are particularly effective in cutting through grease, making them ideal for cleaning stovetops, countertops, and kitchen appliances. The citric acid works to break down grease, allowing for easy removal with a simple wipe. 

Additionally, lemon juice helps lift and remove stains from fabrics and surfaces, brightening them without the use of harsh chemicals.

Natural deodorizer

Beyond its disinfecting capabilities, lemon also acts as a natural deodorizer. Its fresh, citrus scent helps neutralize odors, leaving a pleasant, clean aroma behind. This makes lemon great for freshening garbage disposals, refrigerators, and musty areas.

Rust and mineral deposit removal

The acidic nature of lemon juice makes it effective in dissolving rust and mineral deposits. Applying lemon juice to rust stains on metal fixtures or lime scale around faucets helps restore their appearance. For tougher deposits, use a paste made from lemon juice and salt, leave it to sit, and scrub it off.

Hydrogen peroxide for sanitizing surfaces

Hydrogen peroxide for sanitizing surfaces

Hydrogen peroxide is a versatile, effective agent for sanitizing surfaces, known for its antibacterial and antiviral properties. Commonly found in first aid kits as a disinfectant for cuts and wounds, this mild antiseptic is a powerful cleaner in household environments. 

Its oxygen-rich composition makes it an excellent choice for killing germs, breaking down biofilms, and removing stains without harsh chemicals.

Disinfecting kitchens and bathrooms

In the kitchen and bathroom, where cleanliness is paramount, use hydrogen peroxide to disinfect countertops, cutting boards, sinks, and fixtures. 

Simply spraying a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution directly onto these surfaces, allowing it to sit for a few minutes, and then wiping it clean effectively eliminates harmful bacteria and viruses. It’s especially useful for areas prone to contamination, such as around the sink or on chopping boards that come into contact with raw food.

Brightening laundry and removing stains

Use hydrogen peroxide in the laundry room to brighten whites and remove stubborn stains from fabrics. Adding a cup of hydrogen peroxide to a load of white laundry will help lift yellowing and brighten the fabric. 

For spot treatment, applying it directly to stains like wine, blood, or sweat before washing enhances stain removal, making garments look fresh and clean.

Safe usage and precautions

While hydrogen peroxide is a safer alternative to chlorine bleach and other harsh disinfectants, it’s important to use it carefully. It should be stored in a dark bottle away from sunlight, as light reduces its effectiveness. 

Always perform a spot test on an inconspicuous area before applying it broadly, especially on colored surfaces, to ensure it doesn’t bleach or damage the material. This preliminary step saves you from potential disappointment and preserves the integrity of your surfaces. It’s a simple yet effective way to verify the product’s compatibility with the material, giving you peace of mind before you proceed with a full application.

Daisy Maids is here for you

Ready to revolutionize your cleaning routine but still crave the touch of professional care? Look no further than Daisy Maids for all your cleaning needs. Our expert team brings efficiency, thoroughness, and the convenience of professional house cleaning supplies right to your doorstep, ensuring your home sparkles without the hassle. 

With Daisy Maids, affordable cleaning doesn’t mean compromising on quality. We offer tailored solutions to fit your schedule and budget, allowing you to enjoy a pristine home environment without breaking the bank. Say goodbye to the stress of cleaning and hello to more free time and a beautifully maintained home. 

Contact Daisy Maids today at 801.290.8883 and experience the ease and excellence of professional cleaning services where affordability meets unmatched quality. Let us take care of the dirt so you are taking care of what truly matters.